Tuesday, July 1, 2008

MLS Rumors Knows Nothing About Our Team

I'm not sure how many people read the various MLS and US Soccer blogs that there are. The soccer nut that I am, I tend to read a lot of them. Now, there are some very good ones (The Offside Rules, Soccer By Ives, etc) and there are some bad ones (most notably MLS Rumors). Today, the brilliant writers of MLS Rumors are writing about the upcoming round of the Open Cup. For every game, they talk about how the upcoming match should be exciting. Then they come to our game, and this is what they write:

"On the face of it this match doesn't seem to excite. However one has to remember that Columbus Crew fans, typically hate Chicago and in a showing of "Ohio pride" may back Cleveland City for no other reason than they'd like to see the four time US Open Cup Champion fall in the 3rd Round to a team which plays in the 3rd tier of the sport in this country. Not to mention, some Crew supporters are from the area around Cleveland. One of our readers also pointed out that Cleveland's only real high profile player is a former Fire player, Floyd Franks, who also scored both of the Stars' previous goals in US Open Cup play. And lastly there should be a nice contingent of Cleveland City supporters at Toyota Park as several busses are headed there. If you want to go and live in or near Cleveland, then Get On The Bus."

Our only high profile player is Floyd Franks? Really MLSR? Did you do any research? Obviously not. If you had, maybe you'd learn that Mark Schulte also played in MLS. MLSR could've also discovered that Neil Hlavaty was at Sparta Prague. Then there's Sallieu Bundu who was a highly rated player in Sierra Leone before he had to flee the country on foot to escape certain death. But they're obviously not high-profile enough.

MLS Rumors, do your research next time.


Unknown said...

MLS rumors is crap. Note they also said "both of the Stars' previous goals". We had three. Honestly, though, to MLS fans Franks probably is our only high profile player. And such a comment is subjective opinion anyway. Note the source of that info, too. "One of our readers." Very reliable, that. Anyway, that site is a joke, I don't know why you bother. If you want some laughs do a search for jademls on bigsoccer. That's one of the people that runs the site. She doesn't really go to BS anymore but she used to get caught in contradictions and lies all the time. She's claimed to support several different teams and then someone would find an old quote where she was a supporter of something else. They're a bunch of poseurs. That site's even been pranked with false rumors before by other BS members.

Ed Zelaski said...

Exactly. I forgot to mention that in my story. Apparently they're too good to realize that Neil Hlavaty has scored for us in the cup.

giaco said...

Don't flatter yourself too much now. "3 days in and people are taking notice" and that. Glad you're venturing into the blog territory for your team, that sort of home-grown effort is what all the teams/leagues need more of.

To MLS people, Franks is the only notable player--and even then, it's more of a passing notice. Fire fans especially. I picked up on your site off of the Green Army board and put in the comment to MLSR.....no, I didn't bother to do my homework.

Jade isn't a part of the MLSR site anymore; but other than that....ooo, that's a hot mess that no one need to poke a stick at! :)

MLSR is pretty crap though, but it's like a trainwreck--ya just can't look away. But most anything that comes from there needs to be double and triple-chcked before consumed!

moving right along, keep up the good work, and I hope your boys do well.